RG104 Box 143 January 1887

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JOHN A,WILSON, Civil Engineer, OS 4, 9 JOS. M.WLLSON, Civil Euginver & Archt Si Pes A LJfe fff : ie FRED. G-THORN, Architect. LUAMAALE Up ehhh Loe —January- 20th. I 887.

Hon.Daniel M.Fox Supt.United States Mint,Philada. Dear Sir;- After making an exhaustive study of the subject,

we have come to the conelusion that it will not be advisable to re-

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move the roll grinding lathe (now occupying the space to be appropri-. ated for the new engines) to the room on the West side of the base- ment North of the eleectrie light room and now used for storage. This conclusion has been foreed upon us after our examination of yesterday. We find that although possible to ereet the necessary shaft- ing for the machinery,it will entail considerable expense,and will not givé satisfactory results. We originally recommended this loca- tion,simply because we were of the Opinion that it was a matter of wpe MANA SAAT to have any defective "rolls® ground except by the em- ployes of,and at the Mint. We have been informed that. in the past, —-— the rolls have been ground by parties outside of the Mint ,and we most uF gently and at the same time respectfully request that ,if the Eeéae

Sion require,this be done during the period occupied in erecting the

RG104 Box 143 January 1887

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JOHN A. WILSON, Civil Enéineer. 7,

4} fy 7) JOS. M.WILSON, Civil Kudineer & Archt Sh / elie TD /y fa FRED. G.THORN, Architect, VAAL LA AIA ttt, ey January 20th. 1887

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Hon.Danl.M.Fox-2-~- _ engines and their foundations.

This period will in all probability be from April Ist.to July I5th.,or during three months of the working time of the Mint.

If you cah Approve of this plan,we can make a very satisfactory

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solutioh of the whale matter and at am selenite oi follows:

Ist. eRemove the saw and riadie box now in the 6: ropes Tengtiel> Yoom tq the room North of the electrix light room,at first proposed for the grinding lathe.

end. -Remove the roll grinding lathe with its shafting to the present engine room and put it in condition for use after July I5th.

Respectfully Yours ,


NARA RG104, Entry 1, Box 143

Wilson Brothers & Co.

Civil Engineers and Architects, Philadelphia, Pa.,

January 20, 1887

Hon. Daniel M. Fox Supt. United States Mint, Philada.

Dear Sir: -

After making an exhaustive study of the subject, we have come to the conclusion that it will not be advisable to remove the roll grinding lathe (now occupying the space to be appropriated for the new engines) to the room on the West side of the basement North of the electric light room and now used for storage. This conclusion has been forced upon us after our examination of yesterday.

We find that although possible to erect the necessary shafting for the machinery, it will entail considerable expense, and will not give satisfactory results. We originally recommended this location, simply because we were of the opinion that it was a matter of impossibility to have any defective “rolls” ground except by the employees of, and at the Mint. We have been informed that in the past, the rolls have been ground by parties outside of the Mint, and we most urgently and at the same time respectfully request that, if the occasion require, this be done during the period occupied in erecting the engines and their foundations.

This period will in all probability be from April Ist to July 15th, or during three months of the working time of the Mint.

If you can approve of this plan, we can make a very satisfactory solution of the whole matter and at a minimum cost, as follows:

Ist. Remove the saw and riddle box now in the proposed engine room to the room North of the electric light room, at first proposed for the grinding lathe.

2nd. Remove the roll grinding lathe with its shafting to the present engine room and put it in condition for use after July 15th.

Respectfully Yours, Wilson Bros. & Co. Dr.